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Awaken the Pow


This is a powerful learning program for women anywhere around the world.

It's time to move beyond the old models and stereotypes for women. It's time to grasp and leverage the creativity, passion and empathy that lives in the hearts and minds of women everywhere. It's time for powHer.

Do you ever feel like you could do anything? Do you feel like something holds you back? Do you unconsciously sabotage yourself? What if you already had everything you needed but didn't know how to use it? We women are far more powerful and far more resourceful then we give ourselves credit for. But no- one teaches us how to access this "powher". It's time to discover it.

This seminar is designed to take you on a journey: a journey into yourself. The purpose is to help you discover what you are really made of. The purpose is to reconnect you to the truth of who you are. The purpose is to help you to awaken the powher that has always been within you so that you can bring your creative thinking into our world to make the world a better place.

Consider that the unconscious processes that produce fear, doubt, worry and anxiety actually wreak havoc in all areas of your life. Likewise, there is great power in positive emotions. Understanding these unconscious processes and how to master them is the secret to achieving anything you want whether it's building a business, saving the world or even just losing a few pounds. Discover where you are holding yourself back and running old patterns that sabotage your success. Learn potent strategies for increasing resilience, accessing your intuition and unleashing your own internal powher.



  • Learn the science behind intuition and a process for cultivating it.
  • Reduce the impact of stress on your body and calmly handle any stressful situation.
  • Cutting-edge research about the power of emotions and how they directly impact your experiences.
  • Discover the emotional guidance system and learn how to use it to navigate directly to your goal.
  • How to determine negative emotions in others and what to do.
  • Learn about amazing heart- centered research being used globally to increase resilience.
  • Learn how to love and accept yourself and project a positive self- image with confidence.
  • Break free from limited thinking and self-sabotage so you can finally achieve your goals.
  • How to differentiate between the voice of intuition and the voice of fear, doubt and anxiety.
  • Techniques and tips for self-control so that you remain powerful in your choices for you and others.

Email greatness at greatnessgroup.com for more details



"Taking this training with Gina has been one of the most exhilarating times of my life. I can't wait to tell other people about this training. I am 100% confident that I will be able to get what I want in life."

-Larissa Robertson, CEO, SCO Recruitment, Sydney, NSW, Australia


"Everyone has positive and negative emotions, and I am no exception. However, I had no idea how unconsciously holding a negative emotion in connection with a past event could prevent me from being effective in the present. I was able to quickly and easily release my negative emotions and now my life seems so much easier! Thank you, thank you!"

-Fabiana Bacchini, Founder, Big Tiny Hearts, Toronto, Canada


"She kept us engaged, laughing and stretching ourselves past what we thought were our limits. Warning, you'll come out with just one regret: wishing why you had learned it all sooner!"

-Julia Pimsleur, Author & Founder of Million Dollar Women, NY, NY, USA


"Wow! An excellent lesson in carriage and strength of presentation and the power of the 'me too' reach. I have known about some of the concepts she presented but she wrapped them up very neatly and I was ready to receive the message, so it had a profound impact on me and made total sense. my focus determines my direction and I can choose to think and proceed with focus on what i want. This is a tough one to teach to others because unless they are ready to hear it, all I can do is say the words until they are ready to receive the meaning."



"Gina's board breaking activity - it's like something "clicks" in you, when you realize that what at first seems impossible is actually done. It's a great visual and kinesthetic activity that showed me anything - ANYTHING - is possible!"



"What really stuck with me was when she commented after "this doesn't work all the time, I just told you about the times it did". She's so right! We just need to focus on the times it does work, and everything will be ok in the end."



"Energy for Impact - how to best allocate my time and energy for the most impact... simple, and straightforward but very meaningful and necessary. I have started implementing this in a strategic fashion to focus my business and spend energy on the areas that will have the most impact first."
